OCA Global is launching a new agriculture-related project in South Sudan to strengthen the government's capacity to improve the delivery of public services and the implementation of its national development goals.
Our team has just started a new project in South Sudan, which was launched last week: "Technical assistance for policy reviews and development of regulatory frameworks in support of the Comprehensive Agriculture Master Plan (CAMP) / Irrigation Development Master Plan (IDMP) implemented by the Ministries - South Sudan".
In this way, OCA Global contributes to strengthening the Government of South Sudan's capacity to deliver public services and sustain the achievement of national development objectives, with key importance given to the agricultural sector.
More specifically, OCA Global will provide Technical Assistance in reviewing sectoral policies and updating legal frameworks developed to create an enabling environment for sustainable agricultural transformation and inclusive socio-economic growth. In addition, our team will work to strengthen the capacity of stakeholder institutions and related technical services in line with their mission and mandate.