OCA Global's Huelva office has successfully completed its collaboration in the 2020 maintenance shutdowns of the Cepsa Refinery La Rábida and Cepsa Química Palos (CQP) sites.
During the months of September, October and November, maintenance shutdowns have been carried out at both Sites, being intervened the Fuels 1 and 2 plants in their units: High Pressure, Low Pressure, Visbreaker, Amines, Merox, Utilities, S7; Vacuum 2 at La Rábida Refinery; and Lines 1 and 2 at CQP.
The shutdowns were carried out both for overhaul, inspection and cleaning work, and for the execution of various production improvement projects. For this purpose, OCA Global had a staff of 60 people specialized in the sector.
As a close collaborator of Cepsa, OCA Global has been involved with several departments: Maintenance, Inspection, Engineering and New Projects. The scope of the work involved the contribution of several of our services:
- Regulatory inspections of Pressure Equipment, supporting the Property inspection department. Regulatory electrical inspections carried out together with the Electrical Central Workshop department and Plant Supervisors.
- Non Destructive Testing Inspection (RT, PT, MT, VY and UT) both in collaboration with the Inspection department and the Maintenance and New Projects department. We have also participated in the shutdown as inspection entity of several companies of the Metal Assembly, consolidated companies in the sector that continue trusting in the quality and impartiality of our service.
- Technical Assistance in the different phases of the shutdown, providing support in its programming and planning, in the External Authorization of Work Permits, Safety Supervision, and Work and Assembly Supervision of the works carried out in all the plant units that have been intervened.
Thus, OCA Global continues to consolidate its position as an inspection and technical assistance entity in both the Refining and Petrochemical sectors, placing its experience at the client's service.