We support the Government of Indonesia in achieving greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions.
OCA Global CTA has initiated the project "Technical assistance for the preparation of a project pipeline, with its estimated costs for selected sector ministries to achieve the NDC targets in Indonesia by 2030" funded by the World Bank.
This 5-month initiative will result in a list of projects with potential to help Indonesia achieve its 2030 Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) targets, which would also be aligned with the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN). By providing a detailed estimate of the financing needs of such projects, the document is intended to be a solid reference for future national budget allocations. Throughout project implementation, a participatory stakeholder approach will be adopted with the objective of facilitating the proper implementation of the proposed activities.
In cooperation with relevant Government of Indonesia line ministries, the Project is aimed at assessing the mitigation potential of activities for the highest GHG emitting sectors - forests and land use, energy, agriculture, industry and waste - contributing to meeting NDC emission reduction targets and leading Indonesia's transition to a zero emission economy. In addition, the adaptation potential of the activities should also be considered in terms of their relevance to improving the country's resilience to climate change and contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals.
The project was launched in April 2022 with the organization of a kick-off meeting with the Indonesian Ministry of Finance, World Bank representatives in Jakarta and other key stakeholders.